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Session & Seminars

Ease of use is one of the hallmarks of the ChamSys line, but everyone can use a helping hand getting up to speed.  There are a variety of ways to receive training in the use of the MagicQ product line, each of which appeals for different situations and levels of experience.

Weekly Online Sessions

Every Thursday there is a 20 minute webinar which covers a topic related to using MagicQ.  These online sessions are free to attend, and the choice of topic will be determined by viewer input each week.   This type of interaction is great for a targeted lesson on a specific issue, and the convenience of viewing it at home or work on your computer can’t be beat. Click <here> to review the schedule and topic for this week.

Two Day Training Seminars

ChamSys periodically offers two training classes at their headquarters and in other selected locations. 

One class is for beginners and intermediate users, and gives people new to the console up to a basic familiarity with all the major features.  At the end of it you will know how to patch, create groups, palettes, cues, and cue stacks, and how to employ them in playbacks and executors, plus how to set up the console software, wings, and monitors.  

The higher level course is for intermediate to advanced users. It assumes basic familiarity and goes into the types of features that really set MagicQ apart from other consoles, including the visualizer and media player, system integration and MIDI/SMPTE/network triggering and remote control. 

Each of the two classes costs $150 and that admission price includes a USB dongle to help defray the cost of using the software in real world situations after completing the course. 

Accelerated Courses at Trade Shows

ChamSys plans a string of training events to be held at larger industry events and tradeshows like LDI, USITT, NAMM, etc. each year.  While these classes are more accelerated than the full two-day seminars, they are also subsidized by their presence at those events, and so are often free or low-cost.  Each class may have  a different emphasis, and a deep dive into specific topics being a common approach for them.   Click <here> to see details on upcoming offerings. 

Dealer Training

ChamSys believes that every dealer who is part of our family of solution providers should be a knowledgeable and current resource for their customers. In addition to being helpful with logistics and pricing, they should have keen insights into our products and how to use them. That’s why they have a special training course which they have access to which involves preparing them to train others in how the ChamSys consoles work.   If you buy a desk from someone local, that company should be equipped to help you succeed with it, and our Dealer Training program emphasizes that kind of preparation.  This in-depth course leads to a certificate which entitles the dealer’s personnel to do further training in their own place of business.